Our projects

Платформа «Розмінуємо Україну»

Платформа «Розмінуємо Україну»

Це унікальний ресурс із усією важливою інформацію, що допомагатиме комплексному розв’язанню викликів, пов'язаних із забрудненням України вибухонебезпечними предметами

  • 2000+ користувачів
  • 4 заявки від охочих долучитись до протимінної діяльності
Service “Marriage online”

Service “Marriage online”

This is the world's first service that allows people to get married online via video - in a few clicks and without bureaucracy.

  • 1,5 million proposals were made
  • 1269 married online couples
Application “Mriya”

Application “Mriya”

The educational app "Mriya" is a solution that unites students, parents, teachers, and school administrators into a single educational ecosystem.

  • 100 000 users
  • 40 pilot schools
The Territorial Community Digital Transformation Index in Ukraine

The Territorial Community Digital Transformation Index in Ukraine

Create a basis for researching the level of digital transformation in regional state administrations. The results will inform the authorities, analysts, developers, and other stakeholders on how to optimize digitalization processes in the region. 

  • 1 116 територіальних громад надали інформацію
DIIA.Digital State

DIIA.Digital State

DIIA (or “Action” in the Ukrainian language).Digital State is a comprehensive project to make interaction between the state and citizens convenient, transparent and humane.

  • 20 million app users
e-DEM Platform

e-DEM Platform

e-DEM Platform is the first Ukrainian platform to consolidate electronic democracy tools.

  • 2 million platform tool users
  • 239 643 registered accounts
  • 546 local governments connected to the platform
DIIA.Digital Education

DIIA.Digital Education

DIIA.Digital Education is the largest digital literacy platform

  • 1.8 million citizens take online courses
  • > 2.5 million certificates were received by platform students
  • 16 courses were developed with our support
SVOI Platform

SVOI Platform

SVOI.Platform is a site-builder and chatbot for interaction between citizens and local authorities.

  • 541 communities connected to the Platform
  • 75 268 users
  • 123 official sites (community and CASD) on the gov.ua domain


eMalyatko is a state service to allow parents of newborns to receive up to 10 state services with one online application.

  • > 600 thousand families used the service
  • 90 percent of users are satisfied with the service
Services for Individual Entrepreneurs on the Diia Portal

Services for Individual Entrepreneurs on the Diia Portal

Services for individual entrepreneurs - on the DIIA portal - opening, making changes or closing a sole proprietor’s legal entity available online.

  • > 300 thousand citizens registered as sole proprietorships online
  • > 152 thousand citizens ceased business activity online
  • > 126 thousand citizens modified their business information online
COVID-certificate in DIIA

COVID-certificate in DIIA

COVID-certificate in DIIA is a digital document mutually recognized by the European Union that confirms vaccination against COVID-19, a negative PCR test result or the fact of recovery.

  • > 11 million COVID-certificates in Diia
Sick Leave E-Certificate

Sick Leave E-Certificate

Electronic sick leave certificates are an innovation in the field of health care, thanks to which patients can easily receive insurance payments, and doctors have less workload.

  • One million sick leave e-certificates created