We develop strategies and train specialists in digital security and working with electronic services and we offer digital literacy trainings for citizens.
We have three components in our work: Electronic services, electronic democracy and regional digitization.
We provide targeted support to 44 pilot communities which were selected on a competitive basis in 6 target regions — Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk, Odesa and Chernihiv. We conduct audits, draw up digitization plans and implement tools to improve interaction with citizens.
During the Russian aggression in Ukraine, we help communities adapt to new challenges, support forcibly displaced persons and cooperate with national partners to create digital solutions for the security and protection of the rights of Ukrainians.
Sustainable partnership and joint initiatives with state and local authorities are the foundation of our work. Together, we will be able to turn the state into a convenient service and make citizens true participants in decision-making.